Celine Bolsos de mano Piel de vaca Cuero
$128.00 $157.00
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【CELINE】#CABAS PHANTOM Small# Bolso de mano de piel de becerro con cordón de grano suave Rock Tamaño: 28-27-17cm (🔍164403)
Categories: Bolsos, Bolsos de mano
Brands: Celine
Material: Cuero de vaca, Piel de vaca
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Thank you to the seller the goods sent quickly. in Moscow came in two weeks. The bags is made well the seams are even,roomy
received and thanks supplier
Very good fake bags,Thank you very much!
Pretty celine replica bag,Just like the photo
Good replica celine bag,Really good.
Nice, as on the pictures. Itnarrived very fast.
The bags is so beautiful and everything is neatly sewn. I am happy with the order
Excellent celine bag!!!Delighted
Quality is super, Good bags. brought Courier. delivery fast.